Social Media Week Vancouver Roundup

Posted on September 28, 2011


Social Media Week Vancouver

Social Media Week Vancouver

It was a sweet assault of culture shock, returning from Yellowknife to Vancouver in the middle of Social Media Week; I wonder if the Arctic explorers of past centuries felt anything similar when they returned to London or Lisbon or Wherever, like moving forward in time five or fifty or five hundred years. And I KNOW you’re not supposed to say that, but it’s true: in terms of social media, Yellowknife right now is like Vancouver in 2002. It is all just about to happen. That’s one of the main reasons I want to keep working with the North, so I can be there when it blossoms next Spring.

Anyway, from ennui to overload my journey plunked me right in the middle of things, me having missed the beginning, where I was scheduled to participate in the Blogging Tech Panel, because Air Canada didn’t like the look of my ID. I had the same ID the next day, but different ground crew who very kindly concluded “well, we can’t just KEEP her!” and sent me on my way. Note to self: in future, try to remember that the North is one of the few high-terrorism-risk sites in this country, and it makes airport personnel a might persnickety sometimes.

Anyhoodle… After I did finally get back, I moderated the Social Media for Social Good panel that Dave McDonald put together. It was awesome seeing Ajay in action (how many nonprofits does this man have on the go at any given time?) and I’m disappointed I missed Ben’s talk, as analytics are an area in which there’s infinite room for my improvement. Learned lots and met great people. But hey! Thanks to social media, I found Ben’s slideshare anyway and here it is:

Then the next day I liveblogged the Real Estate Summit, which was really quite fascinating, despite real estate normally being one of those topics that can be counted on to put me to sleep when even sheep-counting doesn’t work. Fortunately, some fun and informed speakers go a long way towards making even real estate interesting! Speakers like Bocar Dia from Hootsuite:

Shane Gibson at Social Media Week Vancouver

Shane Gibson at Social Media Week Vancouver

And then the next day my poor typing fingers were really in for it, as I liveblogged the entire Enterprise 2.0 Summit, which went from 9am till it was time to break for cocktails at Ceili’s. Here are those posts:

Social Media Week Enterprise 2.o Introduction from Shane Gibson

Social Media Week: Connecting the Dots with Amber Turnau

Social Media Week: Meena Sandhu on Getting Social with Banking

Social Media Week: Chris Breikss on the Impact of Social Media on Search Engine Marketing

Social Media Week: Eric Weaver on Social Media is Dead, Long Live Social Media

Social Media Week: The ROI of being a Social CEO with Jeff Booth

Social Media Week Social CEO Panel

Social Media Week: the Power of Infographics with Mark Smiciklas

Social Media Week Roundup with Shane and AJ

although I admit I left out AJ’s F-bombs. We’re bloody delicate around here, we are! But a lot of links to long liveblogging posts is kind of a dry post itself, isn’t it? So we’re providing for your delectification a slideshow from Social Media Week Vancouver’s official photographer, the lovely and talented (and, incidentally, legally blind) Cathy Browne:

Vodpod videos no longer available.